
Falmouth Yacht Services is established as one of the best major refit yards in the south west of England.

Our comprehensive range of services includes an in-house design and installation team for engineering and electrical systems.

Our facilities allow a wide range of activities from highly skilled traditional ship righting work, to repair or installation of modern electronics and engineering.

With a 40 tonne Roodberg travel lift together with a 25 tonne hydraulic trailer, there are few craft that we can't handle.

With our depth of experience we recognise the need for on-going maintenance and servicing on all craft to ensure not just safety but that repair bills are kept to a minimum in the long term.

Falmouth Yacht Services brings the highest level of quality to every task

See our range of hand made boats

The Rustler RangeThe Rustler Range. The Bowman RangeThe Bowman Range. The Starlight RangeThe Starlight Range*.